Monday 30 January 2012

29/30 Jan 2012 - new growth!

gooseberries, currants & blueberry

 The fruit bushes have started showing signs of new life - I was a bit worried about them being transplanted on 7 Jan, but they seem to have coped well.

My theory comes true again - if it wants to will.
 The garlic that I dug up after the previous guy left them in the ground has started sprouting - there is no technical reason for the netting, just to remind me that I'd planted something in that section of the bed.  Have got something coming up at the other end, which is curious because I'd dug that over and that's where the garlic came from.  Was quietly confident there was nothing down there....well you know what thought thought!

Here's how the fruit trees are doing, got a bit of blossom on, anyone know what we might get?  I just hope it isn't mango.  It's the only fruit I don't like! (but wouldn't that be funny - proof that I do live on a tropical island with sandy white beaches and palm trees!)

red and green brussel sprouts
The seedlings are doing well too, planted on 14 Jan - looks like I'll be able to share some sprout plants with friends if these all do well!

Below is some purple cauli, savoy cabbage, green kohl rabi, violet artichoke, nasturtium, red spring onion and cucumber

That's about it for now, thanks for reading - come back soon for a nosey because I've got 4 days to play with and will be tidying up the plot a bit every day from tomorrow.  I'll also be introducing you to a Christmas present my friend made me - you'll be jealous!

1 comment:

  1. OOohh, I'll most definitely be jealous, can't wait to see what it is :o)

    Seedlings are looking well there Mrs. x
